Goings On
There is always something interesting regarding latest creative user experience, IA, and educational goings-on that occupy my time. Also, I have put some examples of my work on the Portfolio page, including an example of personas.
Current Reading
The New Virtual Classroom; Evidence-based Guidelines for Synchronous e-Learning
Clark & Kwinn; Pfeiffer
Draws on current research in multimedia learning as well as practitioner experience to effectively harness the power of a virtual learning environment. It discusses key guidelines for learner engagement, social presence, cognitive load, and how to convert face-to-face courses into a virtual classroom.
Learning Everywhere; How Mobile Content Strategies are Transforming Training
Udell; Rockbench
Discusses most aspects of developing mobile learning: strategy, design, developement, and delivery. Frames mobile design and development for learning professinals in the context of user experience, interface designs, and implementation.
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There; How Successful People Become Even More Successful
Goldsmith; Hyperion
Discusses the key beliefs of successful leaders and also the behaviors that may hold them back The author outlines twenty undesirable habits and the systematic approach for addressing them.
Lean Six Sigma
I was recently approved to participate in the Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt certification offered by EES. This involves classes and a project in which I identify a business need and apply the Lean Six Sigma principles to both meet training requirements as well as solve a real-world EES problem. We&rsquove drafted our project charter and will be meeting in June for formal classroom activities.
ASTD Conference
I have been approved to attend this year&rsquos conference of the American Society of Training and Development. I look forward to attending a mix of sessions ranging from applied eLearning discussions to leadership approaches to multiculturism.
I have had to make several weighty choices these past two years--and must remain perpetually ABD. I have surpassed the academic goals I established at the outset of this degree pursuit and I have made peace with this decision.
Design is Everywhere
This spring, owning an old house has meant a spate of DIY tasks that specifically require designing solutions customized to the needs at hand. And that responsibility falls to me. Most fixes need to be custom-made (as opposied to purchased from a DIY center) and require careful consideration: materials, construction techiques, scheduling, and budget. It never ceases to astound me how much my professional design and usability sensibilities are universal enough to be a constant in my home life--and vice-versa!
Section 508 Compliant Products
It wasn’t until we got the bottle home that my wife and I realized the Chapoutier 2006 Cote-du-Rhone label "under-imposed" braille within the graphical layout! Since then, we’ve noticed Braille on a number of other products ranging from cosmetics to hardware store items.
I’m sure each package is Braille-enhanced as per market segment strategies. I’d be curious to know how a sight-impaired consumer base is researched and what stats determined ROI on accessible packaging...